
House Republicans revolting...

... oh. wait. you thought that was it, right? LOL! No, bunky, it's continued. It's "House Republicans revolting over oil.

"What heartens me as I hear the speeches of the men and women gathered around me is that I know in my heart we are speaking and giving voice to the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people who want this Congress to return to Washington, D.C., and give the American people more access to American oil," said Rep. Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican.

[From House Republicans revolting over oil: The Swamp]

Shhh. Listen. Can you hear the violins? Don't they sound grand?

Pelosi says, though, she wants debate - which means a campaign issue, it being that time of year again. Which means you're not likely to see drill rigs on your beach yet this year. Not to worry, just calm down.

Come to think of it, can't we generate electricity from hot air? That's something we won't run out of soon.

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