
And you thought you might be getting a little break here

Oh no. Now you've got a couple of months of Why Hillary Lost to look forward to. Here, the NYTimes gets to it by asking an auspicious number of "experts" to txt in the first random thoughts that flitted through their brains, apparently, judging from the stuff they got.

A mere six months ago, it seemed a good bet that Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic presidential nomination. It didn’t turn out that way. The Op-Ed page asked 13 political experts to explain why they thought her campaign didn’t live up to expectations.

[From Op-Ed Contributors - What Went Wrong? Twelve Experts on the Clinton Campaign - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com]

Dude, my candidate lost in March. (This is not unusual for my candidates - apologies to everyone I've ever supported.) So I bit that particular bullet a long time ago. As far as I'm concerned this long Democratic primary was an epic battle for runner-up - which may be good enough, I guess, judging from all the unqualified optimism I encounter, although I seem to remember that about this time in '04 defeating Bush's run for a second term was pretty much a slam-dunk too. And we know how that turned out.

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