
Nader blah blah something something

Everybody's blabbering about Ralph: OMG! he's the reason Gore lost to the village idiot in 2000! Or not.

Let me clarify, bunky. There are a lot of reasons Gore lost in 2000, at least five of them wearing spooky black robes, and that's just to name a few. Nader wasn't one of them, or maybe he was one of them but only one. Just put a lid on it and listen here.

I'm making you a little bet - a gentleman's bet, as I have no money to lose and even if I did I don't make bets I might lose except the lottery, and that only about twice a year - I'm betting you can't even name all the candidates on the Presidential ballot in your state in 2000 or, for extra credit, 2004. Let alone Florida. No peeking allowed.

I've voted in every Presidential election since I voted for JFK in 1960 or whenever it was, nearly half a century ago, and I can't remember a single one that had only two names, R and D, for President.

So then, hey, you can pick just about any President and claim he only was President because of...who? Perrot? Buchanan? Wallace? McCarthy? Stassen? Gus freakin' Hall? You might be right, you might be wrong, I don't know. And neither do you.

If you're getting the vapors over Nader maybe you ought to consider taking up a more gentile sport. Intramural fingerpainting is worth a look, or maybe synchronized needlework. Politics ain't for you.

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