
Woohoo! Another Hitler sighting!

I mean, that Hitler guy gets around more than Elvis. Last time I heard - this was after Hitler was Saddam - he was in a German submarine on the moon. But now he's back and he's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad!
See, in my world, Diane Sawyer would have had her passport seized upon coming back to America. And the smirk would have been driven off her face as she was booked, the handcuffs on the back of her hands, for aiding and abetting the enemy, the Hitler of our time. She would have been fingerprinted and booked for sedition. Then we would have seen if she was still smirking giving her little speech. OK?

That's some guy named Michael "Savage," having some kind of kinky fantasy about Diane Sawyer with handcuff tattoos, or something. In the supermarket checkout line.

Diane Sawyer is hot. I liked Hitler better when he was Saddam, though, because who the hell can spell Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

Meanwhile, I don't know where Michael "Savage's" world is but I hope it gets hit by an asteroid in 2029 or '30, somewhere around there. That'd be about the best smirk-wiper I could think of, right there.

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