
I don't watch American Idol.

There. Now you know the awful truth. Satisfied? I don't watch it and I don't care who wins.

Although the thought has occurred to me that would be a pretty good way to run a presidential election. Everybody stands up and makes a speech, and the ones who don't cut it get voted out. (Or something like that - maybe it could be more like "Survivor" and they would all have to eat some leaves or something too.)

Come to think of it, I don't care who wins that either - the presidential election, I mean - yet. Maybe next year at around this time. But it's way too early now, and all the blabber about it bores me. So now you really know the awful truth.

Come to think of it, one of the ways we could get our government back and out of the hands of the big corporate donors is to limit the length of the campaigns. A month ought to be plenty, I figure. Require the candidates to run exclusively on public funding and require all the TV networks to give up 100% of their time for a week. Divide the TV time the same way as the money, and let the campaigns yammer all they want.

If campaigns were a lot cheaper to run there would be a lot fewer votes for sale.

1 comment:

Schlarg said...

You are not alone. There are three or four of us left that aren't watching and still can't muster the interest.