
What you git with Mitt

Former Massachusetts governor and savior (he's campaigning on the claim he "rescued the Olympics" and "turned around a Democratic state," according to the folks at the Concord Monitor who, I have to assume here, know whereof they speak because I, myself, am just too turned around to tell) - governor and savior, as I was saying, Mitt ("Mitt") Romney was recently seen on Faux News (and I know how hard that is to believe) by News Hounds proclaiming thusly:
"I believe the American people are over taxed and the government is overfed.

So there you have the solution for saving everything, or for getting elected, whichever comes first.

Speaking of which (speaking of Mitt ("Mitt") Romney, I mean), that "Guy Who Saved Massachusetts" thing makes a really dull campaign slogan, doesn't it? I like Jimmy Kimmel's suggestion better:
"Mitt Happens."

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