
Of course! Why didn't I think of this?

It all seems so perfectly clear when Peter Pace ("the alliterative Peter Pace," thanks to WIIIAI) explains it:
“There’s also no doubt in my mind that just like we look out to our potential enemies to see division in their ranks and take comfort from division in their ranks, that others, who don’t have a clue how democracy works, who are our enemies, would seek to take comfort from their misunderstanding of the dialogue [sic] in this country.”

It's just so obvious! I mean if they don't understand it, we shouldn't do it! (Well, I think. I mean, it's not that obvious what he's talking about there, but pretty obvious.)

Damn. I just hope they understand eating pizza.

Speaking of which, I've been sitting here this afternoon thinking all sorts of techie thoughts about tinkering up the blog a bit - assuming, of course, they understand it. The tinkering, I mean. But I really don't think there's much to fear because it's almost supper time and by by the time I get back I will have forgotten pretty much everything, or thought better of it. Whichever comes first.

I did, however, make a podcast. Don't panic! It's only a practice podcast, and while it casts fine it doesn't seem to pod. Just playing around, is all.

Of course I could....

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