
Gingerbready goodness: Nazi cookies.

Yeah, I know you're there. I don't know all your names but from looking at the logs I can tell there are a handful of people who visit more or less regularly to read this blog. That's fun, and glad to have you.

But most of the visits (aside from the spike another site's link caused a week or so ago) come from Google searches. And the most frequent search, by a wide margin, involves Nazi cookies.

(Second on the list is any phrase including "boobs." Go figure, huh?)

The amusing (well, somewhat amusing) thing is, now we're getting into December I'm seeing searches for "gingerbread cookies" that also find the Nazi cookie mention. (No demand for Christmas boobs yet, but there's still time.)


So all this post is is a shameless troll for hits. Or you could, if you were being delicate about the matter, call it an experiment to see how many hits it attracts. (Something for everybody! Nazis, cookies, and boobs!)

And if you really do get here looking for a recipe, sorry. But I hope you find a good one on the next click.

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