
Oh yeah, I love this one.

spiiderweb™: File Under “These People Can Vote”:
Counter person: Hi, can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I'd like a dinner for twelve, please.
Counter person: Oh, I'm sorry. For orders that large you have to call catering at least twenty-four hours in advance.
Customer: Er, then how about two dinners for six?
Counter person: Oh, sure, we can do that.
My Dad used to tell about walking into a diner somewhere, sitting down at the counter, and ordering a ham sandwich. “We don't have a ham sandwich,” the waitress said.

“Well then,” my Dad said, “how about an egg sandwich?”

“We don't have an egg sandwich,” the waitress said.

“OK, what do you have that's good?” he asked.

“We have a ham and egg sandwich,” the waitress replied.

I don't know if restaurants are just inherently funny places or what, but a lot of funny things do seem to happen in them. I remember hanging out in a Winston-Salem restaurant one evening, drinking beer at the counter, when some guy came in and ordered a chicken sandwich to go. “A chicken sandwich?” asked the owner, Nick the Greek, incredulously.

“Yeah,” said the guy.

“OK,” shrugged Nick, and went off toward the kitchen, flashing me a what-kind-of-dumb-Yankee-is-this grin as he passed...and returned to present the hapless Yankee with a drumstick on a bun.

That wasn't the only funny thing that ever happened at Nicks, I've been told.

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