
Well, alas.

I'm not putting the book I just finished, Lisa Scottoline's “Dirty Blonde,” on my “books I liked” list in the sidebar. I figure when I say I liked I ought to have liked it at least more than a little. Which is about how much I liked Blonde. A little, I mean.

It's not a bad book and if you're a Scottoline fan you might very will like it more than I did. It had the misfortune on my list of being the first book after “Tale of Two Cities,” which would put just about any book at a disadvantage right there. And it might have been partly the reader's fault as well - not that she was a bad reader, I liked her, but she seemed to miss the tone now and again. A case, I imagine, of a bad match between the reader and the book more than anything else. Too bad.

So, on the whole, it was a less-than-a-lot-of-stars book for me. Which is what the next book might be too, “Freddy and Fredericka,” But Freddy has the advantage of being long and I need a long book to fill out the month. So we will see.

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