
Religion in multitasking mode.

From pulpit to iPod - The Boston Globe:
Ministers, pastors, and cantors nationwide are seizing increasingly upon the latest technology -- iTunes, iPods, MP3 players, and blogs -- to spread the gospel, making church more accessible to members who may miss a Sunday or two. The trend, for some, is also the latest attempt to rejuvenate a dwindling flock while giving their church a worldwide reach online.
I wish my preacher Grandfather could have seen this: I bet he'd like it. He was a pretty somber guy in a lot of ways but he had a twinkle in his eye and a little soft spot for technology. Especially his Studebaker - the only make of car he would ever have anything to do with.

I remember once when I was a little guy his telling me about a drive in his brand new one - that forty-something streamlined model that looked like it was going both ways at once.

“Why,” he said, “I went out on the highway and I drove past a field of corn and then a field of tomatoes and a field of barley, and then a little pond with some ducks in it. And then a patch of potatoes and a field of peas and a field of carrots. And I was going so fast it all just looked like vegetable soup.”

Yeah, he'd like this iPod thing. “Godcasting,” it's called.

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