
I don't know, maybe in Finland the cell phones do this.

They seem to do everything else. But what I want to know is, why should it not be possible to put on a new shirt without a pair of scissors? I know, I know, I'm not very practiced at putting on new shirts so maybe there's a way I just don't know. The way it is I spent half the morning cutting tags off.

And another thing. Pockets. What's with only one pocket on a shirt? I have two sides, don't I? I want two pockets. Three or four would be even better. One is refreakindiculuous. I'm gonna go out somewhere and buy some pockets. Everything I own needs more pockets. Pockets should be one of those inalienable rights.

Maybe I shouldn't throw the old shirt out. It has holes in it, but at least it has pockets. And who's gonna notice the holes?

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