
It's January

Why the Definition of ‘Extreme Cold’ Is Different in Duluth and Dallas

If you warned Minnesotans every time it is merely freezing cold, you would struggle to get their attention when it was dangerously cold. Ms. Levens’s [Duluth] office issues a wind chill advisory only when the temperature reaches minus 25, and a wind chill warning when it reaches 40 below.

Meanwhile there's a wind chill advisory in Dallas right now, where it's 15º. No minus sign in sight.

Also they play football indoors in Dallas. They do in Minneapolis too, but in Minneapolis they mean it.   

ADD: This is why I don't believe in "wind chill." Everybody knows wind makes cold feel colder. But "feels like" is an imprecise and arbitrary metric. As this article notes, what feels like cold to a person in Dallas may not feel like cold at all to a Minnesotan. Just tell me what the thermometer says and let's get on with it.

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