
All this time and I didn't know, really…

 …what foolscap is. Until I just happened across it looking something else up.

It's a piece of paper of a certain delightfully vague size — "usually 8 x 13 inches" in the U.S., says Merriam-Webster, implying that it's otherwise elsewhere.

Also — and this is the really cool* thing about looking something up — I ran across a quote referring to "thwarted megamergers and private-equity acquisitions."

Last week I sat in on a computer class in which a woman asked what "megabyte" means. The answer to that one is also delightfully vague. A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, or 1,048,576 bytes, or, as it is commonly used in non-geeky geek talk, a million bytes. (A megameter would be exactly a million meters but that's a whole nother thing. Don't ask.)

A megamerger is not a million mergers: It's a single merger, but it's really, really big.

*And don't even think about looking that one up unless you've got some time on your hands.

[The else I was looking up was "based."]

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