
Chortles echo in certain corners of the network…

Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment

Yuga describes its collection of 10,000 Bored Ape NFTs as "unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain" that double as a "Yacht Club membership card." The website has some "members-only" areas. "When you buy a Bored Ape, you're not simply buying an avatar or a provably rare piece of art," the NFT collection's website says. "You are gaining membership access to a club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Bored Ape can serve as your digital identity, and open digital doors for you."

…while in others bitter tears flow.


[Bored Ape digital cartoons valuable because, while any passing stranger can make a free copy of one, only you paid millions of dollars for yours. Which is known as an investment. In certain corners of the network. But, apparently, not in others.]

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