

 …is a 4th of July movie…just saying…and you can watch it on Amazon Prime…along with, if necessary, its second, third, and forth iterations. Is this a great country, or what?

What you might not be able to do is watch fireworks. With Canada smoking up the joint enough already, there's concern in some quarters about fire. The U.S. Forest Service went so far as to recommend celebrating Independence Day with something called Silly String, but some trees complained about that so big Silly String shows are off the table as well.

Anyway, "more than 22,000 fires have burned nearly 1,000 square miles in the U.S. since the start of the year," says the National Interagency Fire Center.

You can, however, watch fireworks on TV tonight (the 4th)…on CNN at 7:00 PM Eastern and NBC (and Peacock) and PBS at 8:00.

While you're waiting, you can watch the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest on the ESPN app: women beginning at 10:45 AM ET and men at noon.

If you intend to eat along, please remember to not use ketchup…although it is allowed, technically, by Nathan's rules.

An ominous footnote to the rules for Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest:

Sudden death eat-offs will be put into play if there is a tie at the end of regulation.

You've been warned. 

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