
Hot stuff

 The planet saw its hottest day ever this week. The record will be broken again and again…

says CNN, here. And they're not the only one. This story's been splashed around the media landscape for the last 24 hours or so.

What they mean by hottest day ever is hottest since 1979 — 44 years ago — forty freaking four — which is when they started keeping records on this.

And how hot did this hottest day ever get? 62.62º Fahrenheit (17.01º C).

If I'd known it was that hot I'd have worn a sweater.

But they're not talking about how hot it was here (or there). They're talking about the average temperature of the whole, entire, total planet — including everywhere from the poles to Fortalza.

Which is, maybe, really a big deal. The planet is getting warmer and that matters — how much remains to be seen.

It would be useful if we could talk about this in a rational way instead of splaying fright headlines hither and yon.

There's this story about a chicken named Little

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