
The pizza cure

I’ve been hobbling around on the house crutches (yes, it turns out my apartment comes with free access to the house crutches) for the last day and a half or so since one of my knees gave out Wednesday evening. It happened on the bottom step of a staircase, which was lucky. Happening at the top might have been quite a tumble.

So last night the people who live downstairs, who are not only my neighbors but my landlords and also family, arrived here with a pizza for supper. And when they left, they left behind a few slices for my breakfast. And it worked.

My knee is improving rapidly. I can navigate with only one crutch now, and I successfully descended the three steps to the first landing outside my front door, and returned unscathed. Maybe this evening I will try all the way down and back.

I have decided to withdraw from the next Summer Olympics, but I expect to be down (downstairs, that is) and around soon. Pizza, good neighbors, and family fix just about anything. 

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