
Another War on…and on and on

Progress report: McGovern addresses steps needed to end hunger in 7 years at western Mass. strategy session

I don't remember when the War on Hunger started. Was it before or after the War on Poverty? Somewhere in there with the War on Crime and the War on Drugs? After the War on Terrorism?

Well, whenever. It's got seven years to go. Here, at least. It won't end before the new War on the Internet, which is what the current War on TikTok is all about. We, or at least the members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, are not about having a bunch of dopey teenagers acting like dopey teenagers. Right there in Public. Where the world can see.

(Socrates worried the invention of writing would corrupt the younger generation by exposing them to too many wacky ideas. That's where it all started, I guess.)

We can protect ourselves against China by being China, the thinking goes. China, like North Korea, Russia, Iran, and just about every other authoritarian country on Earth protects its citizens by blocking the Internet. What, are we supposed to be different?

A lot of people seem to think we're not.

At least we won't be hungry if we can just hold out another seven years or so. Assuming we win the War on Climate Change.

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