
I just might set a record here, or invent a new art form

I go to the grocery store about three times a week, sometimes more if I need a lot of heavy stuff. So when I find the banana bin full of green ones I just figure, well, I'll pick some up next time I'm here. Next time I'm there, they're yellow. And I buy some.

But then about three weeks ago I decided to just buy the green ones and let them ripen at home — and they didn't. Haven't. Three weeks later they're still bright green and hard as a rock.

Either I've discovered the secret of eternal youth in my kitchen or they are some kind of special bananas.

I almost threw them away last week but I couldn't decide whether to put them in the garbage bin or the recycle bin. Maybe they could be ground up and used to make patio furniture. Or something. Who knows?

But now I think I'll keep them. I'm starting to feel sort of attached. And if they're still green when football season ends, in February, and I have time on my hands, maybe I can make ⛄️ with green noses.

I'm just wondering.

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