
Imagine ouir confusion now

Yesterday the New York Times ran a piece about American colleges competing in India and elsewhere to get warm bodies into their into their institutions regardless of qualifications and now, today, this:

 Greater Competition for College Places Means Higher Anxiety, Too - The New York Times

"As the frenzied college application season draws to a close, and students across the country mull their choices, many colleges are trumpeting that it was the most selective year ever."

Maybe I’m missing something (hey, the sun just came up). 

Also in the Times this morning, columnist Frank Bruni quotes some famous Democrat guy thusly: “We now have a system in which it takes just 10 million votes out of 321 million people to seize one of the two coveted nominations.” (The story in which that quote appears is here, at The Hill.)

And in a story entitled "Obama Shouldn’t Trade Cluster Bombs for Saudi Arabia’s Friendship” William D. Hurting notes, " In the first six years of the Obama administration, the United States entered into agreements to transfer nearly $50 billion in weaponry to Saudi Arabia, with tens of billions of dollars of additional offers in the pipeline."

The Nobel Peace Prize joins the Republican party on the junk heap of history (and the Democrats may not be too far behind).

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