
And a Canadian company to boot?

The Beltway Bandit Behind the Healthcare.gov Debacle | Dirt Diggers Digest

The federal government long ago chose to depend on contractors for its vast information technology needs. That decision periodically results in debacles like those surrounding the rollout of the ACA exchanges. It remains to be seen whether fiascoes will also mar the actual insurance coverage being provided through the ACA, which also relies on the supposedly efficient private sector.

The R's could have probably made more points by just keeping their mouths shut (I know, I know) and letting healthcare.gov implode by itself, in full view. Although, note, the healthcare.gov fiasco (is it too soon to say that?) only affects the 36 states that refused to create their own exchanges (weirdly, many of those are R-leaning states even though R's like to insist states are better at solving problems than the feds — shocking, hmm?).

Although what would I know? I live in Massachusetts, the home of Romneycare, so I am terminally (well, not terminally, I hope) confused about the whole thing. And for all I know, some Canadians built our web site too.

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