
Oh go ahead, tell us what you really think

Updated: Scott Walker and Cronies Prove No Low is Too Low | Crooks and Liars

These cowards hide behind taxpayer-subsidized nonprofits to intimidate public servants who are under attack at every turn. Between the stealth privatization movement in the form of charter schools, the ridiculous, nonsensical high-stakes testing, and the public humiliation of great teachers, there is almost no incentive beyond some heightened sense of altruism to even bother to enter the teaching profession.

Now add to that this public attack on their right to sign petitions in the state of Wisconsin and it's clear that the goal in Wisconsin is to turn it into a totalitarian state with Governor Scott Walker as the puppet leader. I'm sure they're laughing all the way to the counting-house bank as they rub their slimy paws together and plan the next way they can publicly shame and humiliate public servants.

Wisconsin! And you thought it was all just cows.

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