
Listening to the R's on how to run an election

Maine GOP: Results went to spam - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

For example, in Portland (Maine), the state party’s results originally showed that Paul won by 15 votes when in reality Romney won by 15, he said.

In addition, Webster said “about a half a dozen” towns never added to the tally on election night and that, in a couple of cases, e-mails from municipalities reporting caucus results actually “went to spam” in the state party’s email system.…

“You get people complaining about Waldo County [where some votes were not counted]. We’re talking 120 votes, and most of them went to Santorum. … It’s a handful of votes, and those are important, they all count, but it’s not like we were trying not to count them,” Webster asserted.

Of course none of this would have happened if only people had had picture ID's.

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