
Toys and toys

I  mentioned a while back that I've retired my Nook Color to a smaller, lighter, simpler and much easier to read Nook Touch, so then what to do with the retired, tabletesque Color? A little mini-SD card with Android installed is the answer. The Color is now a mosty full-fledged Android tablet–a little on the slow side, RAM-challenged, and somewhat deluded (it thinks it's a phone) but otherwise a capable and entertaining device. Whether it will become really useful is another question. It's a proof-of-concept device. 

Android (this is Android 2.x, so not the newest version) is useable. It feels a little bit out of register to me–maybe the way it handles paralax is not exactly the same as the way iOS does. I could live with it. But as most Android tablets cost the same or more than an iPad (ditto for phones), the question is why. Meanwhile, it's fun. 

Also, it's good to have a few extra toys around because it looks like the easy weather is coming to an end and we'll be lucky to see 40 again before, say, March. Alas.

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