
Books everywhere

E-book market forecast to hit $5.2B as the book industry burns — Tech News and Analysis
These shifts are resulting in the biggest change in publishing since the time of Gutenberg.
And the perfect kind of reader is right here (Amazon and Kobo have comparable devices at comparable prices). It's lightweight, easy to carry and hold, runs approximately forever on one battery charge and has a touchscreen, e-ink display. E-ink, it turns out, is far, far preferable to a back-lit, computer-style screen if what you want to do is just sit and read. Also it does nothing else but read: It is essentially a single-purpose device. OK, it does twit, but then everything twits, doesn't it? I'm pretty sure my toaster twits, and I'm sure my phone does. But it (the Nook Touch) doesn't check email or make coffee.

My previous book reader, a Nook Color, was good but heavier to hold, and I found the back-lit screen fatiguing after a while. I'm planning to install Android on it and use it as a tablet, although I'm expecting it to be mostly a fooling-around-with tablet instead of a real tablet because its processor is on the slow side (presumably the new Nook Tablet improves this situation, but I don't want to know bad enough to find out). Still, fun. And Angry Birds.

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