
The days are getting longer: What could possibly go wrong?

It's a little below 30º here as we speak and we've had a very, very strong wind all afternoon. Flags are flapping. (I don't know if this has happened to the rest of the country but around here flags–I'm not talking national flags, unless you count the Red Sox, but cutesy flags that say "Hello" and other equally non-commital stuff and have pictures of snowmen or elves on them, that kind of thing–are all the rage. We don't have any on our house of course, being so far out on the leading edge of trendiness we are already past all that stuff. But still.

What I was saying was, I spent a lot of time last month tightening up the windows and it's paying off right now. There is no draftiness I can notice and–here's a bonus worth the price–not one of the windows is rattling. At all. In fact, I didn't even know how windy it really is until I went out for the mail. Sure, there's a little cold around the windows, but that's because some dummy put glass in them, not because the wind is blowing through. Let's hear it for cozy, then.

Also, the days are getting longer. So maybe it will get cold, but how long can that last?

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