
A bad week turns pretty good

My afternoon class, the one that involved trekking over the horizon in a city bus in the middle of an ice storm, got canceled. Also doing it again tomorrow did. And at least half of the little gig got canceled, which left me with just one class this morning, and again on Thursday and Friday afternoons. A pretty easy week. Which is good.

We had about four inches of fresh snow on the ground by late morning, whereupon - just before noon - we downgraded to sleet. Or maybe it was some sort of freezy, slushy fog. Or something. Hard to tell. The forecast calls for flat-out ice this afternoon, just possibly topped off by rain. All in all a Massachusetts winter day. Evil.

Schools were closed, of course. That's because the busses that bring the kids to school can't run. And in a community like this, when the schools are closed a lot of people miss work because they have nobody to care for their children. Most of the stores downtown, I'm told (I haven't been there myself yet) are closed. Where I work was open and we had a pile of customers. 

We won't really know the damage until tomorrow. But if we do wind up with a lot of ice it'll be there for a long, long time.

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