

On Monday night in Ohio, a 62-foot-tall statue of Jesus got hit by lightning and burned to the ground. (The adult bookstore across the street was unscathed.) Less than 12 hours later, Gen. David Petraeus — who is not God, although certain members of Congress have been known to worship at his altar — semifainted at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

Then Bravo announced that the White House gate-crashers were getting a TV show. Al and Tipper remained in Splitsville. And the oil kept on spilling....

Read more: Op-Ed Columnist - The Boring Speech Policy - NYTimes.com

And another thing: Buttons keep falling off my shirts. Two buttons, two shirts, two days. That can not be good

I hate sewing buttons on. Well, it's not the buttons so much, it's sticking the thread in the needle, but it's pretty much all the same thing. Anyway, my button replacement plan is pretty much like BP's gusher stopping plan: Just sit around and see if maybe they'll fix themselves. Doesn't work much better, either.


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