
Too damn bad

Like a pair of proud but over-the-hill prizefighters, the Sun-Times and Tribune are slugging it out in a deadly duel to determine who will remain standing as the sole daily in Chicago.

Both newspapers are operating under Chapter 11 protection and both have seen far better days in terms of circulation and advertising sales. But it’s hardly a fair fight. With an overwhelming advantage in weight, reach and stamina, the Tribune almost certainly is going to win.

link: Reflections of a Newsosaur: Sun-Times sags in Chi-town showdown

When I moved back to Chicago in 1970 there were four papers - figuring it was part of my job and having the commuter-train time to do it, I read all four, or at least big chunks of all four, every day. Where is it written a city the size of Chicago should have only one?

The Tribune is a fine paper. I like it (although I don't like their web site much). Over the years I've known several people who worked there. I've known people who worked at the Sun-Times, too.

And the Sun-Times, which "newsosaur" Alan Mutter also worked for once upon a time, is indeed, comparatively, the feisty one. I still think of it as Royko's paper, although Royko, in the end, wound up writing for the Trib.

I suppose, given the way things seem to be going, Chicago will be lucky to have just one of its big dailies survive intact. I'd just hate to be the guy who had to flip the coin.

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