
Deepers creepers

Suddenly, all over the lefty Internets tubes, D's are starting to sound like Freepers. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the blather about McCain's "100-year war." You can read for yourself what McCain said about 100 years in Iraq here, at Crooks and Liars. I'm no fan of John McCain's, but I don't see where he said "let's stay" and I certainly don't see where he advocated a 100-year war. In fact, it seems to me he specifically excluded that. Yet "McCain wants a 100-year war" is currently the cry of the leftosphere, and now comes a MoveOn commercial in which a young mother holds up a baby and says to McCain, "you can't have him" for Iraq. I hope she doesn't come to regret her words.

I was born in the year of the Anschluss (you can look that up too). Over the next seven years we had a serious disagreement with Germany - it came to be known as World War II. But when I served in the Army 16 years after WWII ended, a posting to Germany was considered a plum assignment. I was delighted when I got orders for Germany and disappointed when the Army decided they had something else they wanted me to do instead. Fortunately, that something else was not in Vietnam. I had friends who went to Germany and friends who went to 'Nam, and the guys who went to Germany came home happier. And that was before Vietnam turned into the hot spot it would become. You can believe by the end of the 60's there were mothers all over America praying please send my son to Germany.

I don't know what Iraq will be like 15 years from now. Neither do you. Neither does MoveOn. But what really annoys me - no, frosts my butt - is that a lot of lefty bloggers who for the last five years or so I've admired for conscientious journalism and "reality-based" analysis have suddenly turned into Deepers.

If that's the way it's gonna be, D's, don't count on me.

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