

A black radical Muslim Communist, no less! That's like...what's the word I'm searching for here?...a trifecta. Yeah. Trifecta. Or maybe quadfecta, depending on how you count.

But, for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics.

[From The Corner on National Review Online]

It's Obama, of course. These questions come naturally to the mind of Lisa Schiffren, says Lisa, who blogs at the National Review. I don't want to know what else comes naturally to her mind - and especially i don't want to know what a "red diaper baby" is, so if you know please keep it to yourself.

Anyway, Digby writes about this at Hullabaloo and no way am I going to try to add to that. Go read it for yourself, bunky, and have a good time.


...e... said...

i don't believe you don't know what a read diaper baby was. just sayin'.

Ted Compton said...

I live a sheltered life.