
Or a new Midway

From a post on Sott.net via Spiiderweb™ entitled "The neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet - The New Pearl Harbor":

The Bush administration has covered up and ignored dissenting Pentagon war games analysis that suggests an attack on Iran's nuclear or military facilities will lead directly to the annihilation of the Navy's Fifth Fleet now stationed in the Persian Gulf.

(And more. Read it there.)

According to historians of WWII the Japanese navy foresaw a great battle between their and the US fleets near the Pacific island of Midway and simulated that eventuality with a war game. The senior Japanese officers played the Japanese role in the game, the junior officers played the US side. Defying Japanese naval doctrine, the junior officers unleashed a massive air attack on the Japanese fleet, successfully defeating the Japanese carriers, and won the game. The senior officers pulled rank, returned their lost ships to the game, and in a re-do, prevailed.

The two fleets did in fact meet off Midway. US planes sunk four Japanese carriers and a heavy cruiser and permanently crippled the Imperial Navy.

Midway turned the tide of the naval war in the Pacific.

(For more, see Wikipedia.)

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