
Who'da thunk, it wasn't Dewey after all

Never mind. It's a geezer joke.

But this isn't. The New York Times yesterday earned half a Too Late Award™ with this overpoweringly rancid headline:

White House Is Accused of Putting Politics Over Science
Who'da thunk. (And thanks to Shakesville for pointing it out.)

The award is shared by White House accuser (that poor house sure takes a beating, doesn't it?) Richard H. Carmona, a former surgeon general in Commander Guy's regime, who now complains to a Congressional committee...

...top officials in the Bush administration repeatedly tried to weaken or suppress important public health reports because of political considerations....

And administration officials even discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization’s longtime ties to the Kennedy family.

“I was specifically told by a senior person, ‘Why would you want to help those people?’ ” Dr. Carmona said.
Uh huh. Carmona responded to this political pressure by keeping his mouth shut and staying in his job for four freaking years. And now he wants to drop the dime.

Sorry, Carmona, the price has gone up. You're too late.

Link: White House Is Accused of Putting Politics Over Science - New York Times

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