
Almost missed this one

Daily Herald - Fires break out in county:
According to the Orem police department, there was a fire about 3 p.m. in Orem that was put out with a garden house before emergency personnel reached the scene.
Pretty neat trick, with the garden house. And I only learned of it while looking into this story from the BBC.

BBC NEWS | Americas | US woman arrested over dry lawn

A 70-year-old US woman has been left bruised and bloody after an unexpected clash with police who came to caution her for not watering her lawn....

The officer had judged that Ms Perry's "sadly neglected and dying landscape" breached an Orem city guideline and was attempting to issue a formal caution when the 70-year-old was injured.
Northern Utah, from what I understand (here's a podcast report from the National Weather Service in Salt Lake City) is undergoing a pretty severe dry spell these days, so exactly why they're so adamant about lawn-watering is a bit unclear. Of course, why people are so adamant about lawns is unclear to me, always has been, maybe because I spent so much time mowing them when I was a kid I came to wonder why people would want them to begin with.

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