

What caught my eye in the story from RAW linked below was its identifying some babe named Fran Townsend as “National Homeland Security Advisor.” OK, I haven't been paying attention: She has apparently been around a long time but still, I thought we had a Department of Homeland freaking Security now. Or did that close already, or something?

Some web site called GovernmentExecutive.com quotes colleagues as calling Townsend “charming” and “disarmingly frank” (not Fran) and says her job as National Homeland Security Advisor is to “ensure that all the departments with a role in counter-terrorism are on the same track.” Begging the question how many tracks can there be, isn't that what the Department of Homeland Security is supposed to do? Isn't that why it was set up in the first place? Wasn't that the whole freaking idea?

So Commander Guy just doesn't listen to them or what? (Yeah, right, I've seen her picture. I'd rather listen to her than that Chertoff guy myself. But anyway, WTF?)

Maybe she got the job because she speaks Commander Guy's language - namely, double - because after dancing around the subject of whether al Qaeda is a big deal or is not a big deal she falls back on just because we don't tell you we're not doing stuff doesn't mean we're not doing stuff and blah blah blah the national interest something something.

On second thought, maybe I'd rather listen to the skinny guy after all.

Link: The Raw Story | National Security Adviser Townsend 'tap dances' on Fox News

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