
Biden's warning

From an AP article entitled:

Progressives are frustrated by Biden’s final-days warning of billionaire influence

“Eisenhower’s military-industrial complex warning gave language to an idea that has been referenced ever since,” said Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. “Biden’s warning about oligarchs, calling on Americans to stand guard, is a call to action that will be felt for years.”
Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex in his farewell address, in January, 1961. No need to reach for your calculator — that was 64 years ago.

His warning language has yielded political talking points for a couple of generations now but in that same time the U.S. has become the world's largest exporter of arms and related services in the world, a business averaging some $50 billion per year. Meanwhile, for fiscal year 2025, the U.S. military requests $167.5 billion for weapons procurement and $142.2 billion for research and development of weapons. 

The military-industrial complex is doing pretty well, warning or no.

One wonders if the billionaires will feel much pinch.

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