
I'll get rich

I'm reading an AP article about a game company in Chicago suing Elon Musk for trespassing in Texas. 

It seems said game company, some time in the past, collected $15 from each of 150,000 people and used it to purchase land in the path of Donald Trump's proposed border wall. The land was sitting there undisturbed ever since, preserving nature, the company says, until a construction company working for SpaceX used part of it to store building materials without permission. 

That's trespass, the game company says, and it wants $15 million in compensation, 15 seeming to be a winning number here.

Which reminds me.

Sometime near the middle of a previous century I spent $1 and a boxtop to purchase one square inch of the moon. I own land on the moon.

It's been sitting there undisturbed, preserving nature. And if one of those guys — any one — landed a rocket on it or even stepped on my land without my permission that's trespass. 

And as soon as I find the deed, which has been temporarily misplaced, I'm calling a lawyer. And I mean it.

I'll be wanting my dollar back. And the boxtop.

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