
And this is news?

Lutherans in Walz’s Minnesota put potlucks before politics during divisive election season

Lutheranism came to the Upper Midwest with 19th-century Scandinavian and German settlers, and it remains the dominant faith together with Catholicism. Potlucks and that staple of Midwestern lore, lutefisk — dried cod cured in lye — remain part of rural church life.

Seriously, AP, you should know better.  Potlucks come before everything in Minnesota. In most of the Midwest, in fact. Although lutefisk is, well, not so much. 

(I worked in a butcher shop for a while when I was in high school. One of my once-a-week jobs was to change the brine on the lutefisk in the very smelly pan at the back of the cooler. And until this very moment I have managed to not even think of it for three quarters of a century.)

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