
I've always been a fan of the AP stylebook…

There’s an apostrophe battle brewing among grammar nerds. Is it Harris’ or Harris’s?

“The lower the stakes, the bigger the fight,” said Ron Woloshun, a creative director and digital marketer in California who jumped into the fray on social media less than an hour after Harris selected Walz last week to offer his take on possessive proper nouns.

…as amended. By me. This is one example. I say 's.

Another is the Harvard (AKA Oxford) comma. AP says don't use it. I say, do.

I once asked an editor at the Chicago Tribune about this: Why does the AP stylebook say leave the serial comma out but every AP story the Trib runs has the comma in. He said, we have an editor whose whole job is to but it back.

I get it. In newspapering, when space is always an issue, there's an urge to leave things out.

But I say, right is right.

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