
Focus is the key

Trib sportswriter agog over the hot dog guy.

Column: Hot dog eating champion Patrick Bertoletti has a winning strategy Chicago teams should emulate

“He was four beers deep, sitting on his couch, burping Chinese food, and playing ‘Final Fantasy VII Dragon’s Death Slaughter’ when his girlfriend said, ‘I don’t think this relationship is working.’ And he experienced an almost physical reaction of pure euphoria. Because, this man, he could focus on competitive eating with no distractions. And so he has.”
Or maybe beer and Chinese food.

Sports are complicated. But either way, Sullivan says, "Bertoletti’s crowning moment at the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July hot dog eating contest could be the first domino to fall in the hoped-for comeback of all-out failing legacy franchises — the Chicago Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, Cubs and White Sox."

Focus on.

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