
The pitch

Biden settles on a message against Trump: He’s even worse than before

“The number one priority is to make sure that voters understand that Trump was a bad president and he will be even worse if he has a second term,” said Geoff Garin, a pollster for Biden who helped build the case against Mitt Romney in 2012. “The hinge is Trump’s response to losing the 2020 election — ‘snapping,’ as President Biden says — and becoming unhinged.”

And we'll be hearing it a lot, says the Washington Post (link above). Beginning, presumably, with the presidential debate scheduled for Thursday this week.

Presidential debates have never been debates, of course. They're more like quiz shows gone berserk. And this one will be conducted with several new and untested features, the most amusing of which is neither of the participants will have been nominated to run for office. Any office at all. 

The Republican convention doesn't happen until next month and the Democrats convene in August. Maybe Thursday's confrontation was scheduled in the hope everyone will forget it happened before it comes time to vote.

Which, given the American attention span is now measured in internet time, seems likely.

"Trump is worse," however, will fit nicely on a bumper sticker. So there's that.


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