
Hold on there, buckeroo

The more data, the better.

The success of A.I. depends on data. That’s because A.I. models become more accurate and more humanlike with more data.
Sorry, NYTimes. "More accurate and more humanlike" can't be. Can. Not. Be. Humans are not accurate. And if they were, why would we need A.I. anyway because we already have more humans than we know what to do with. We could just depend on H.I.

Well, you may say, machines work for free and humans have to be paid. Think again, buckeroo. A.I. is already a massive consumer of electrical power, and growing more ravenous every day. Somebody has to pay. Or, more likely, everybody does.

A.I. is not about creating intelligence, it's about controlling it. What you can control you can sell.

It's an old story that an infinite number of monkeys pounding on an infinite number of typewriters (remember them?) for an infinite time will eventually produce not only every work of literature ever created in the past, but also every one possible in the future.

Computers are dumber than the monkeys. But they're a whole lot faster. 

The I. is A.

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