
"Ramaswamy wildly speculates" is the signature of this forlorn year (so far)

Vivek Ramaswamy wildly speculates Super Bowl will be rigged for Chiefs to set the stage for Taylor Swift’s Biden endorsement

"Just some wild speculation over here, let’s see how it ages over the next 8 months," he confidently asserts.

We are reliably informed, meanwhile, by the Twitteratti (now Xeratti) that Swift's current love interest, Travis Kelce (not Biden), is a Pfizer shill for having appeared in a TV commercial for vaccines. He famously took two shots (jabs, in Twitspeak) at once, which is why footballs keep sticking to his hands (just some wild speculation over here, too).

More will be revealed as the year (it's a Leap Year, too, so an extra day) plods inexorably on.

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