
This is nuts (and a little crazymaking)

The rudderless GOP careens toward 2024

McCarthy’s undoing leaves the only part of government Republicans control rudderless, making it harder to operate day-to-day, let alone tackle big challenges.

Stories all over the American news media (this one from Politico) go out of their way to imply it was the Republicans who caused chaos in the House of Representatives — a chaos so overwhelming it might end in shutting the whole country down in little more than a month — when in truth it was the Democrats who did that. Only eight Republicans voted with the Democrats to oust McCarthy. Two hundred and ten Republicans voted to keep him.


Thursday, 10/5

This from a NYTimes editorial this morning:

The U.S. Capitol may be perched on a hill, but it is understandable why so many Americans look down on it.

One of the main reasons is that their Congress, which ought to be a global beacon of liberal values, continues to succumb to self-inflicted paralysis. How else can it be that fewer than a dozen lawmakers from the outer fringes of the Republican Party are holding one of the world’s oldest democracies hostage to their wildest whims?

On Tuesday a small group of Republicans effectively shut down all business in the House when they voted to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker.
And then, almost parenthecally:
Though 210 of 218 House Republicans supported him, he lost his job when just eight voted against him, joining all Democrats who voted.

Thereby giving the game away. 

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