
I'm so old I remember playing cards

Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen teams up with former intelligence officials to form new pressure group

Former Facebook employee turned “whistleblower,” Frances Haugen, several former lawmakers, defense secretaries, and intelligence chiefs have formed the Council for Responsible Social Media, which will address the harmful impacts of social media.

 It was playing cards that was going to ruin the moral fiber of the country, drive us all to despair and perdition. And dancing, of course, and jazz. And movies where two people slept in the same bed.

And on and on, rock 'n roll, video games, smoking funny weeds…I'm skipping a lot, but you get the idea.

Now we're up to social media. 

But the real problem is this: People are cranky. 

Also, on occasion, pretty cool.

And we're stuck with it.

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