
Dispach from our Pacific Rim bureau re: Important Matters

Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day!? 

(Shelby Report) - There’s “Clean-Up Your Room Day” (May 10), “Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day” (April 18) and even “National Goof-Off Day” (March 22), but “National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day”? Yes, and it will be recognized March 24. While Nestle did not establish the holiday, the company is leading a national celebration in the name of Nestle Raisinets, which also happens to be celebrating its 85th anniversary this year.

PJ day is Tax Day so that's right up my alley and since my office is in my bedroom, that will be a cinch. However, I'm disappointed I wasn't notified earlier about the Goof-Off day. Can I goof off twice as much tomorrow to make up for it?

I better put it on my calendar for next year.

–Lynn C Dot


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