
This is what drives me bonkers

‘They drink the Kool-Aid then wonder why things go wrong’: How the Biden administration misjudged Afghanistan

Well, one of the things. Actually there are a lot of things that drive me bonkers but this, as I was saying, is one of them.
A source familiar with the Biden administration’s efforts also revealed a previously unreported call between NSC adviser Jake Sullivan and his Afghan counterpart. In that phone call, the source said, Sullivan “pressed them hard to adopt a realistic military plan…

That underlined part. What does it mean?

 Since it was a phone call it's unlikely to mean pushed with his hand. Or foot. But does it mean, suggested really really hard? Yelled and screamed? Threatened? Threw things while hollering? Said naughty, naughty words? What?

It is left to you, dear reader, to figure that out, because I myself am bonkers.

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