
So begins…

 …a newsletter from Matt Taibbi published on Substack, here:

America’s burgeoning censorship movement had a great week. The White House jumped on board, with a matter-of-fact announcement that it was now helping Facebook flag “problematic posts."

You can read the whole thing at the link.

Now, I'm no fan of Facebook, nor of the "problematic posts" they seem to be speaking of here.

But I am a fan of the 1st Amendment which, loosely translated, says you (the government) shall not screw around with the press.

And this is screwing around, especially since Facebook is currently directly threatened with being broken up or punished in some other way by the Feds, a threat backed by both influential members of Congress and by the Administration's Federal Communications Commission.

This "flagging" should stop, and shame on them.

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