
The problem with getting old…

…is that finding interesting new books, movies, music, and other contemporary cultural artifacts gets much more difficult.

A case in point: I’m currently reading a recently best-selling novel called Ready Player One that starts out, promisingly, with a sort of sci-fi Holden Caulfield vibe (and if you’re too young to recognize that name you already know what I’m talking about here, but you don’t know it yet) and quickly devolves into a bunch of references to 1980’s teenage video game pop culture—a mash-up, is the modern term—that leave me totally bewildered. Lost.

Here’s where the library comes in. Borrowing a book from the library makes it easier (for me, at least) to drop it in the middle, turn it back in, and start a new one. Which is what I’m about to do. Alas.

Maybe it’s time to re-read Catcher in the Rye,

Or Huckleberry Finn.

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